National Park
Try the Ultimate Experience

Gombe National Park

Nestled in the western edge of Tanzania, Gombe National Park is a verdant and tranquil oasis, where the emerald green forest meets the azure waters of Lake Tanganyika. This pristine and picturesque park is home to the world's most renowned chimpanzee population, where visitors can observe these intelligent primates in their natural habitat. The park's lush tropical forest is teeming with a myriad of other wildlife species, such as red-tailed monkeys, baboons, and birdlife, making it a nature lover's paradise. Gombe National Park is a hidden gem that offers an intimate and authentic safari experience in a breathtakingly beautiful setting.


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Chimpanzee tracking:
observing the park's famous chimpanzees in their natural habitat.
exploring the park's lush tropical forest and scenic trails.
identifying and observing the diverse bird species within the park.
Boat rides:
taking a leisurely boat ride on the pristine waters of Lake Tanganyika.
Cultural visits:
interacting with the local communities and learning about their customs and traditions.
Relaxing :
unwinding and enjoying the tranquil beauty of the park's idyllic setting.

Best Time to visit

To have the optimal experience, it is recommended to plan your visit to Gombe National Park in Tanzania during the dry season which spans from June to October. This is when the chimpanzees are more likely to be seen as they gather near water sources, and the trails are less muddy.

Mr. Kakal



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